Check out the Leader-Board 🙂 Welcome Beloved to the Book of Genesis You've got 1 minute for each question. Click the NEXT button to begin. God bless you. Name 1. Who was Keturah's husband? Esau Jedidiah Abraham Naman None 2. "You shall have no other gods before me..." is which commandment? 4th 3rd 1st 2nd 5th None 3. Who gave the first recorded offering to God? Please select your answer Esau Adam Cain Abel 4. How long did Moses' mother hide him for after conception? 2 Years 7 Years 7 Months 3 Months Not Mentioned None 5. Which of these names of Jacob's sons means praise? Naphtali Dan Levi Asher Judah None Hint 6. Where was the language of the world confused among the people? Soddom Babel The Linguistic University Eden None 7. What was the name of Abraham's wife? Sarah Rebecah Mary Haggai None Hint 8. Who was cursed in the garden of Eden by God? Adam The Serpent Eve The Lion None Hint 9. Who was sold into slavery by his brothers? Jesus Benjamin Joseph Solomon None Hint 10. How many children did Rachel have? Please select your answer None 4 2 12 Well Done!!! Please fill in the comment box below. Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results! Time's upTime is Up!